Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Movie studio Paramount Pictures has announced plans to launch a chain of hotels called Paramount Hotels & Resorts. “We will offer something unique,” Paramount Hotels & Resorts Chief Executive Officer Thomas Van Vliet said in an interview in the hotel-management company’s Dubai headquarters. “In addition to luxury and services, our hotels will add Paramount entertainment and technology as well as elements of the California lifestyle.”
Viacom Inc. (VIA)’s Paramount, one of the most active studios in Hollywood and the name behind movies ranging from Breakfast at Tiffany’s to Mission Impossible, plans to create up to 50 hotels and resorts themed around Hollywood and California.
Audiovisual technology is expected to be top-notch in all properties, with mini-theaters in place for guests to use for private screenings.
Initial talks are underway for locations in Brazil, the UK, the Caribbean, Russia, Qatar, Oman, South Africa and Indonesia, reports Bloomberg. Each of Paramount’s hotels will feature mini-theaters for guests to use for private screenings and a library of Paramount films will be available for them. Van Vliet said he expects typical room rates to be around $250 to $350 a night.
“It’s not like we are trying to develop something that looks like Planet Hollywood or Hard Rock Hotel,” Van Vliet said. “It will be a more subtle and creative adaptation of the Hollywood element into the concept.”

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.