Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Great report from the Washington Post. We’ve always been leary of the “organic” label. It’s just like everyone saying that they’re “green.” And really, the goal is to find “locally grown organic” — and support your local growers.
Organic advocates and food marketing experts said the introduction this month of new “natural” products by an organics division of Dean Foods is the latest sign that the value of the USDA label has eroded. The yogurt and milk products will be distributed under the Horizon label and marketed as a lower-priced alternative to organic products. Congress adopted the organics law after farmers and consumers demanded uniform standards for produce, dairy and meat. The law banned synthetics, pesticides and genetic engineering from foods that would bear a federal organic label. It also required annual testing for pesticides. And it was aimed at preventing producers from falsely claiming their foods were organic. – from WashPost

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.