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Jacques Cousteau Honored, Calypso To Be Relaunched

Jacques Cousteau Honored, Calypso To Be Relaunched

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To mark the centennial of marine explorer Jacques Cousteau’s birth, the society established in his name will relaunch his ship, the Calypso. The vessel was badly damaged in 1996, when a barge accidentally rammed into it in the port of Singapore. It is now being repaired and the Cousteau Society says it will become a “touring educational exhibition”. – from BBC

US lawmakers offered homage Tuesday to French explorer and marine ecologist Jacques Cousteau with a resolution recognizing what would be his 100th birthday this week. A resolution set for a vote in the House of Representatives hails Cousteau, who died in 1997, as a “pioneer in the field of marine conservation.” The French explorer, who produced hundreds of TV shows, books and films, would have been 100 on June 11. – from AFP