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Cocktails at Home: Frozen Espresso Martini

Cocktails at Home: Frozen Espresso Martini

Summer is around the corner, and there’s no better way to impress your guests than with a frozen espresso martini. As one of the trendiest drinks of the summer, this take on the espresso martini will be sure to keep you cool.
Jason Hedges, Beverage Director Laurent Tourondel Hospitality says: “Start with the right equipment, a good blender is essential for making a perfectly blended frozen cocktail. Then I recommend using crushed ice instead of ice cubes for a smoother consistency and be sure you don’t overcrowd the blender. Instead, blend in batches if necessary to ensure all ingredients blend evenly.”
Frozen Espresso Martini
Courtesy of Jason Hedges, Author of The Seasonal CocktailBeverage Director at Laurent Tourondel Hospitality and Co-Founder of Bar-IQ.Com
2 oz Dark Rum
1 oz Kahlua
1 oz Fresh Espresso
1 oz Simple Syrup
1 oz Heavy Cream
1 cup Crushed Ice
Fresh whipped cream and cocoa nibs for garnish
1. Brew a fresh espresso shot and let it cool.
2. In a blender, add the rum, Kahlua, cooled espresso, simple syrup, heavy cream, and crushed ice.
3. Blend the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
4. Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness or coffee flavor if needed.
5. Pour the mixture into chilled cocktail glasses.
6. Top with fresh whipped cream and cocoa nibs for garnish.
Note: If you prefer a stronger coffee flavor, you can add more espresso or reduce the amount of simple syrup.