Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Printing a photo might not be the most common thing we do in today’s high tech world, but sometimes, there’s nothing like having the real thing in your hands. Whether to put up on your refrigerator, use in a scrapbook, or because want to pass along an image to the not-so-tech-savvy folks in your family, having a physical photo can have its advantages.
That brings us to the new LG Pocket Photo Smart.
The LG Pocket Photo Smart is a portable wireless printer that can fit in the palm of your hand. It can sync up to any Android or iOS device (you’ll need to download an app for it) and you can churn out 2×3-inch prints to your heart’s content. The app even lets you make simple photo edits before printing.
Worried about the costs associated with printing photos? Forget it. That what makes the LG Pocket Photo Smart so impressive: it doesn’t use any ink cartridges. Instead, you use paper from ZINK, a company that creates special paper with the color built-in. The paper is heated up by the device, activating the color embedded within the paper.
We have to admit that it’s pretty clever. And handy.
The LG Pocket Photo Smart has just been released in the UK, costing about $200. No date on a U.S. release.

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.