Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
It’s official, the Facebook IPO is going to be huge — and will occur between April 2012 to June 2012. As the valuation could exceed $100 billion, the IPO will make Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg a kajillionaire. Here’s the WSJ for more:
The social networking firm is now targeting a time frame of April 2012 to June 2012 for an initial public offering, said people familiar with the matter. The company is exploring raising $10 billion in its IPO—what would be one of the largest offerings ever—in a deal that might assign Facebook a $100 billion valuation, a number greater than twice that of such stalwarts as Hewlett-Packard Co. and 3M Co. – read more at WSJ

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.