Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
BMW has a new voice system coming in 2010.
Conversations with most current automotive voice command systems go something like this:
You: Destination
Car: Please specify the mode of destination entry
Y: Address
C: Please say a city name
Y: San Francisco
C: Please say a street name
Y: Market Street
C: Please say a street number
Y: 101
C: To accept the destination, please press the talk buttonAnd that’s when everything is working optimally. This process is so tedious that most people opt for manual entry with the touch screen or whatever other controller the car offers.
In September, BMW will simplify voice command greatly by letting you say the entire address string at once, such as “101 Market Street San Francisco.” The system is supposed to be smart enough to parse all the elements of the address you give it, matching the parts to its database of addresses.
This new system is definitely a step in the right direction, as voice command is a lot less distracting than trying to glance at an LCD while blasting down the freeway at 75 mph.
– From CNET

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.