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Who is Dennis Gabor?

Who is Dennis Gabor?

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Featured on Google today, you may wonder, who is Dennis Gabor? On today’s Google Doodle – the logo of the motor on the search page – is a tribute to Dennis Gabor, inventor of the hologram. Well, Dennis Gabor is an electrical engineer who invented holography, for which he later received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics. He was born on this day, June 5th in Budapest, Hungary. After serving in World War I, he studied in Hungary and developed an interest in electron optics. After his studies, he became a British citizen in 1946, and invented holography in 1947 while working at British Thomson-Houston. His other work included research on high-speed oscilloscopes, communication theory, physical optics, and television. Gabor was awarded more than 100 patents. He died in London on 8 February 1979, aged 78.