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The Hover Camera

The Hover Camera

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Drones are complicated tech with complex connotations. However, this drone, designed by two Stanford PhD graduates, is made to be accessible and fun. The grads consider themselves “mad scientists creating actual smart technology” that is enhanced with AI to make for a more user-friendly experience.

The Hover Camera is a neat little bit of tech. Because it weighs less than 250 grams, it does not need to be registered with the Federal Aviation Association, meaning that it’s more accessible for the average consumer and amateur filmmaker. The hover camera would, in fact, be perfect for indie filmmakers who want to include quality aerial footage in their work. The drone features a 13 mega pixel camera that is capable of taking 360 degree panoramic images. It can also follow around a subject using its facial recognition software. Users will be able to gently toss the drone in the direction they wish it to travel and it will immediately stabilize and hover off safely, making it something of an extremely hi-tech Frisbee with a camera. The drone is also equipped with Electronic Image Stabilization, so that the horizon stays horizontal in your videos and the end product is smooth and professional.


Currently the Hover Camera is not available for purchase, but you can check in on the company’s social media accounts and join their mailing list for updates. The company is also asking for input (what would you use the Hover Camera for?) in order to improve their design before the official release.