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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo hits America

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo hits America

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Stieg Larsson’s bestseller The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo comes to the big screen – in Swedish. The wonderful book has generated interest from Hollywood, but the film is drawing strong reviews, nevertheless. Here’s one review from Time.

Stieg Larsson’s international bestseller The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo has already been made into a movie in Sweden, but it is almost certainly going to be remade in English by Americans. There’s already a producer attached, (Scott Rudin), a director being discussed (David Fincher) and rumors circulating about who might play the female lead, Lisbeth Salander — a tattooed hacker with major issues and loads of unusual sex appeal. Will the part of the reed-thin computer genius go to Natalie Portman? Maybe Kiera Knightley? Kristen Stewart? – From Time