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IBM sees holographic cellphones within five years

IBM sees holographic cellphones within five years

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IBM has released its “Next Five in Five” report – and the one item that jumps out is the prediction of holographic cellphone conversations.

The idea conjures up images of Star Wars with holographic images – such as Princess Leia begging Obi Wan Kenobi for help, or Darth Vader talking to the emperor.

So what else to the folks at IBM have on their agenda in the next 1/2 decade?

Beyond holographic cellphones, they have several other items on their list:

Rechargeable batteries and sensors in cars – newer, better. lighter batters that can hold 10 times more power.

Computers heating homes – IBM says the heat used to cool server data centers is simply wasted – sent into the atmosphere. That heat could be harnessed and used to heat homes.

Computer programs make your drive easier – programs using algorithms and real-time traffic information will forecast traffic jams – allowing drivers to know when to avoid certain routes.

Environmental Research via your phone – researchers could place sensors in a person’s phone, allowing them to collect data for study.

The folks at IBM have been doing their “Next Five in Five” report since 2006 with a mixture of hits and misses. However, we look forward to a friend dressing up as Princess Leia and phoning us and saying, “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.”