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Exclusive Interview with Wine Guru Sandra Guibord

Exclusive Interview with Wine Guru Sandra Guibord

Exclusive Interview with Wine Guru Sandra Guibord

Sandra Guibord knows her wine.

As the Founder and CEO of Sandra’s Wine Life, a multi-media wine lifestyle and wine industry resource platform, Sandra shares her expertise in a fun and practical way over weekly wine advice on IGTV, corporate wine education, and television hosting. The first of her wine lifestyle books will be released in late Winter 2020.

The platform unites Sandra’s unique modeling, film, and T.V. career with her editorial eye as a former lifestyle editor and her years of corporate event planning, broadening her audience with a fun, festive approach to wine. This makes Sandra’s Wine Life appealing to beginners, serious wine connoisseurs, and everyone in between. We sat down with Sandra to chat all things wine, second acts, and social distancing entertaining tips:

Kimberly Fisher: How/why did you get into the wine business?

Sandra Guibord: I became inspired by wine in my early 20s. I was so curious as to why each wine I tasted was unique from the other. Why was I so attracted to certain red varietals over others? I found myself with a great interest in learning the winemaking process and business. Most girls my age then felt a passion for shoes, while I felt it for wine.

KF: How has the wine scene evolved over the last few years? Where do you see it going? 

SG: It seems there is a shift in the wine industry every decade. Three decades ago the Australian wines hit the scene strong, then two decades ago, it was Chilean wines. Only 8 years ago rosé fervently took over summer sipping across America. With the promise of European Union wines being taxed exponentially, consumers and retailers alike will be more open to exploring wine regions that are currently lesser-known, such as Turkey.

woman with wine

KF: Tell us about your ‘Second Act’ transition from a model to a wine educator. 

SG: As the saying goes, “Find what you love in this world, and figure out how to get paid for it.” I was very fortunate in my career as a model and actress, to travel the world and be exposed to an array of cuisine, culture and wine. When my career moved me to California, I found the perfect opportunity to indulge in my passion for wine further. I spent my weekends at vineyards, meeting winemakers, building relationships, learning not only craft of winemaking, but also the wine business. I had the great fortune of working as an apprentice in Paso Robles and Santa Barbara, California. I also worked alongside vintners at Wild Horse Winery and Buttonwood Winery in California.   

KF: What are some of your favorite pairings? 

SG: One of my favorite food and wine pairings is a chilled red wine such as Côtes du Rhône paired with a grilled Salmon. I will also admit that my all-time favorite treat is French Fries and Champagne. Ideally at the King Cole bar at the St. Regis Hotel in NYC at the holidays. Simply beautiful and a perfect, decadent pairing.

KF: Do you have any social distancing entertaining tips? 

SG: The weather is still warm enough to entertain outdoors, thankfully. If you’re safely meeting with friends to enjoy wine, it’s safest to have one person doing the pouring and to use disposable cups. Thankfully there are many attractive options to still keep your party chic while being safe. For your food pairings, I recommend single-serve disposable cups for your cheese, dried fruits, or nuts, etc. Wine is perfectly accompanied by finger food, and the disposable cups are the perfect option to serve them safely.

KF: Guilty pleasures: what do you eat/drink when nobody is looking? 

SG: I could live on cocktail food. Cheese, crackers, chips, fruit and nuts served alongside a glass of wine in yoga pants. That is when I’m at my happiest!