Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Few beers scare a drinker more than a Russian Imperial Stout. These hearty brews are the king of stouts, with high alcohol content and hefty malt character. You won’t find a lot of carbonation in an Imperial Stout, but you will discover strong roasted, chocolate and burnt malt flavors. Most of these brews will offer a deep, dark pour and a rich, foamy head.
The Russian Imperial Stout isn’t for everyone. In fact, they probably aren’t for most people. But those who love a dark, heavy and malty beer will enjoy the challenge of an Imperial Stout.
The following is a list of some recommended Russian Imperial Stouts.
Old Heathen Imperial Stout by Weyerbacher Brewing Company
A black bear that oozes with roasted aromas, dark coffee, burnt sugar, and bitter chocolate. There’s also a slight fruitiness to it. A dry, bitter finish.
Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout by North Coast Brewing Company
Big malt and chocolate and coffee flavors. Smokey, both in taste and in the finish. The alcohol is clearly evident in Old Rasputin.
Great Lakes Blackout Stout by Great Lakes Brewing Company
Not much of a head on this Imperial Stout. More chocolate than coffee in Great Lakes Blackout Stout. It has a nice, robust malty taste. Not as thick as some Imperial Stouts. Only available seasonally (winter).
Yeti Imperial Stout by Great Divide Brewing Company
A dark, dark, rich imperial stout. Yeti Imperial Stout has smooth toffee/chocolate taste on the front end, then finishes off with a coffee-like bitterness that lingers.

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.