Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
We are on our soapbox today at Pursuitist. No healthcare issue is more important than dealing with obesity in the United States, especially as children continue to trend into dangerous territory. As the article shows, it’s not just the health of our citizens – but the health of our pocket book that is affected.
The medical costs of treating obesity-related diseases may have soared as high as $147 billion in 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday, as its new director set a fresh tone in favor of more aggressively attacking obesity. The cost of treating obesity doubled over a decade, signaling the rising prevalence of excess weight and the toll it is taking on the health-care system. The medical costs of obesity were estimated to be $74 billion in 1998, according to a study by federal government researchers and RTI International, a nonprofit research institute in Research Triangle Park, N.C. The findings were released at a conference on obesity held by the CDC in Washington, D.C. The prevalence of obesity rose 37% between 1998 and 2006, and medical costs climbed to about 9.1% of all U.S. medical costs, the researchers said. – From WSJ

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.