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Cardio Gaming with the Virtuix Omni Treadmill

Cardio Gaming with the Virtuix Omni Treadmill

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Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Forget your Wii Fit. Now there is the Virtuix Omni Treadmill – a gaming treadmill that mixes a virtual reality interface with an old-fashion treadmill, allow you to get your game on while exercising at the same time.

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The Virtuix Omni is designed to take virtual reality to the next level, allowing anyone to stand up and traverse virtual worlds with the their own feet, making it a lot more fun for anyone trying to figure out how long does it take to lose 40 pounds. The Virtuix Omni is the first virtual reality interface for moving freely and naturally in your favorite game. Moving naturally in virtual reality creates an unprecedented sense of immersion that cannot be experienced sitting down.

Ultimately, the Omni is looking to get people off the couch and get moving when they play their video games.

The Omni sports a 48-inch-diameter platform with two arms extending upward to create a 20-inch-diameter ring in the center. The ring holds your body in place (so you don’t go flying off the treadmill). The treadmill is multi-directional, allowing the user to walk or run in any direction. It also detects common game-specific actions, such as jumping or ducking.

The Omni’s tracking and gesture recognition hardware and software can currently be used with a PC, but the company is hoping that support for additional gaming platforms can be built.

The Virtuix Omni Treadmill began as a Kickstarter project, but has blossomed into a full-scale venture. The company is now taking orders for the device, which will be available next March. The cost: $499 for a single or $1,019 for a dual device.