Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Sometimes you want a little something of the islands. Maybe you’re making jerk chicken. Or having a pool party. Or you just want to capture a bit of the feeling of soaking up the sun on a Caribbean beach.
Beers of the Caribbean tend to be on the light side, with the traditional lager being the most common drink available. But with a little searching, you can find some diversity in the island offerings. To help you out, here are some quality beers from the Caribbean for you to enjoy.
Red Stripe Jamaican Lager – Desnoes & Geddes Limited – Jamaica
The classic Caribbean lager. Red Stripe is one of the most readily available Caribbean beers in the U.S. It’s clean and crisp and very drinkable. Put some Marley on and lay back and enjoy.
Ironshore Bock – Cayman Islands Brewery Ltd. – Cayman Islands
A darker beer with a sharp taste, the result of using roasted dark German malt in its production. This bock has a high alcohol content (7% abc). Offers a nice, rich coffee aftertaste.
Blackbeard Ale – Virgin Islands Brewing Co. – U.S. Virgin Islands
A slightly malty, medium golden amber with hints of citrus and molasses that give a sweetness to it. Plus, it’s kind of cool to drink a beer named after a pirate.
Wadadli – Antigua Brewery Ltd. – Antigua
A clear lager, easy to drink, great on a hot day. Light carbonation and body with a slight fruitiness. Wadadli won’t overwhelm you in any way. It just goes along for the ride.
Island Hoppin’ IPA – St. John Brewers – U.S. Virgin Islands
An IPA in the Caribbean. Island Hoppin’ IPA features a medium body and moderate carbonation. There is a nice hop flavor with strong fruit and citrus elements.
Stag Lager Beer – Carib Brewery Limited – Trinidad & Tobago
Stag is a clean drinkable beer. It pours clear with a nice, white head, and offers a near perfect blend of carbonation, malt and citrus.
Strong Back Stout – Bahamian Brewery Beverage & Co. Ltd. – Bahamas
Looking for something with a little more heft from your island beer? Strong Back Stout is for you. It has what you’d expect from a stout: roasted malt, hints of chocolate and coffee, and a chewy, creaminess. Simply put – a well-done stout.
Turk’s Head Island Draught Amber – Turks Head Brewery – Turks & Caicos Islands
Turk’s Head Island Draught Amber is more of a red amber ale. It is heavily carbonated, and quite sweet, with a nice mix of caramel, butterscotch and breadiness.

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.