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10 Ways to Defeat Procrastination

10 Ways to Defeat Procrastination

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Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Procrastination – the greatest evil to productivity ever invented. Here’s some tips to help out.

I find recovery from depression and anxiety to be one ongoing project. Sometimes I wake up and I’ve got plenty of energy to start cracking at the project, and other mornings I’m sick of the damn project, and I have no drive or discipline left to pursue it. This is where John Grohol’s tip for procrastination are helpful. In his Psych Central post, “10 Tips for Getting It Done,” he give us some pointers for those days we need an extra push (or five). Procrastination is something most people have had to deal with at some point in their lives. We put things off, especially things that are boring, lengthy, drudgery, or might challenge us in some unexpected or unforseen way. It’s not that we don’t think we can do it (although for some people, that’s indeed a thought that enters their mind); it’s more often the case that we know we can do it, we just don’t want to. – From Belief Net