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Steve Jobs’ “One Last Thing” – Apple Unveils New $6 Million Dollar Fifth Avenue Store Cube

Steve Jobs’ “One Last Thing” – Apple Unveils New $6 Million Dollar Fifth Avenue Store Cube

Christopher Parr | Pursuitist
Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

As we reported previously, Apple’s Fifth Avenue Cube Redesign – Before and After:

“At Apple’s NYC flagship store on Fifth Avenue, The glass cube entrance is currently being redesigned — to be more elegant and seamless. The number of glass panes will be reduced from 90 to 15. By using “larger, seamless pieces of glass” — the new cube facade will be less complicated than the original design (at bottom). This $6.6 million redesign is ever so ethereal — and ever so Steve Jobs…”

This morning in New York, the new Apple Fifth Avenue Store Cube is fully revealed, courtesy of a Mac Rumor reader.

As we stated in our original post, it is ever so Steve Jobs. What a lasting legacy at an iconic New York location – this is Steve Jobs’ Louvre. As a testament to being a perfectionist, Jobs tweaked their Apple flagship to be sleeker, simpler and less complicated. With the extra hardware on the glass removed, in addition to eliminating the small bollards that had previously surrounded the cube on the plaza, the new Fifth Avenue Store levitates in simple elegance. And the process to be “simpler” only cost Apple $6 million.

Gizmodo, of course, has come out bashing the new remodel, stating: “OMG SOO DIFFERENT… To be honest, I kind of prefer the look of the old glass cube store—it sparkled instead of being invisible like the new one.”

We disagree with Gizmodo’s typical lame anti-Apple sentiment. We prefer the elegant, simple and smooth new design — a “one last thing” from the late perfectionalist Steve Jobs.

Here’s photos of the Apple Fifth Avenue Store Cube — before and after the renovation of the glass cube:


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