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Buy the Darth Vader costume for $365K

Buy the Darth Vader costume for $365K

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Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Join the Dark Side — for a price. The London auction house Christie’s is selling the original Darth Vader costume from the “Star Wars” movie franchise. Jedi-mind tricks and death grip not included. The jet-black helmet, mask and armor worn by the intergalactic villain are expected to sell for between 160,000 pounds and 230,000 pounds ($250,000 and $365,000) at a sale of pop culture memorabilia next month. Christie’s said Wednesday that the costume is thought to have been made for “The Empire Strikes Back,” the second film in George Lucas’s sci-fi series, released in 1980. Christie’s did not name the owner, identified only as an American private collector. The sale takes place Nov. 25 in London.


Unrelated, here’s Boba Fett’s invoice to Jabba the Hutt for services rendered. I wonder if Boba was ever paid? This fictional Star Wars artifact was designed by Brock Davis, an artist for Wired and the New York Times. See more sizes here.


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