Christopher Parr, is the Editor and Chief Content Creator for…
Paris’ iconic Four Seasons Hotel George V is inviting guests to a unique wine tasting with Eric Beaumard in its very own wine cellar.
Once a month, Beaumard (Director of Le Cinq restaurant and silver medal winner of the World’s Best Sommelier championship in 1998) will host guests at the George V Wine Cellar. By candlelight, Beaumard will give a commentary on the tastes behind three different wines: red, white and Champagne.
Made up of more than 50,000 bottles, the Wine Cellar contains vintage treasures. More than 2,200 types of both French and international wines are stored there at ideal temperature and in perfect humidity conditions.
Lasting for about an hour, the wine tasting will be accompanied by gougère puff pastries, charcuterie and cheese.
Beaumard (pictured below), who has been in charge of the Wine Cellar and Le Cinq restaurant since the reopening of Four Seasons Hotel George V in 1999, states “It is a unique and privileged way to discover one of the most beautiful wine cellars of Paris while exploring wines from the French vineyards, perhaps unknown to wine amateurs.”
The wine tasting will take place in the intimacy of the George V Wine Cellar, located 46 feet underground in a former stone quarry whose very own stones served in part to build the Arc de Triomphe. It is offered on a complimentary basis to guests of the hotel and of Le Cinq exclusively.
Upcoming dates for tasting events in the Wine Cellar:
Friday, February 7, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
To reserve a spot, call +33-1 49 52 71 07 or at the following email address: concierge.paris@fourseasons.com

Christopher Parr, is the Editor and Chief Content Creator for Pursuitist, and a contributing writer to USA Today, Business Insider — and the on-air host of Travel Tuesday on Live at 4 CBS. He is an award-winning luxury marketing veteran, writer, a frequent speaker at luxury and interactive marketing conferences and a pioneer in web publishing. Named a "Top 10 Luxury Travel Blogger” by USA Today, Parr has also been selected as the official winner in Luxury Lifestyle Awards’ list of the “Top 50 Best Luxury Influencers and Bloggers in the World.”