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The Jewel of Pangaea becomes Asia’s most expensive cocktail at $26,000

The Jewel of Pangaea becomes Asia’s most expensive cocktail at $26,000

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Rich folks can select rich food and rich clothing to suit them. But what if they get a rich drink or possibly a rich cocktail? The Jewel of Pangaea is the most expensive drink especially created for the people who can afford it. It is offered to delight your taste buds at a price of $26,000 in Pangaea, Singapore. The club is all set to attract the rich and famous people around the world to get a chance to say cheers with this outrageously priced cocktail that is all about gulping down luxurious intoxication sip by sip.

The Jewel of Pangaea has been created by Ethan Leslie Leong who is an award winning bartender. He has created this luxurious and mouth-watering cocktail by blending 1985 vintage Krug champagne, gold-flecked Hennessey brandy, and sugar. The real richness comes to the cocktail with the garnishing of it with a Triple X 1-carat diamond created by Mouawad (a jeweler from Switzerland). The drink is too expensive and can perfectly be referred as one-of-a-kind drink that pleasures you to the core. This preparation is really worth every penny and is sure to attract a lot many super rich people to have a taste of it by dining at Pangaea.


Via: MMail

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