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The Decoy Cocktail at PS 7’s Restaurant, DC

The Decoy Cocktail at PS 7’s Restaurant, DC

Christopher Parr | Pursuitist
Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Made with a pinch of fleur de sel, mezcal infused with duck fat, Cointreau and a house-made orange and sage shrub, meet The Decoy Cocktail. Invented by ‘mixtress’ Gina Chersevani, of restaurant PS 7’s in Washington DC, The Decoy cocktail embodies the first of three emerging trends in the beverage world, as highlighted at a premier beverage festival, Tales of the Cocktail, that wrapped up in New Orleans last week. Salt has also become a mixologist’s secret ingredient. Just as a pinch of salt is used to bring out the flavors in baking, a dash of salt can likewise add depth to savory cocktail.

“Savory ingredients are something we use all the time in cocktails,” said Chersevani.

Try the Decoy Cocktail and other amazing cocktails at PS 7’s Restaurant, Peter Smith’s (formerly of Vidalia) latest.
PS 7’s Restaurant
777 I Street, NW
Washington, DC. 20001