A technical school in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, may change their name to “Steve Jobs” in honor…
Award-winning photographer Norman Seeff’s image of Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs (above) was recently…
The man responsible for Steve Jobs’ biggest payday is now joining the Apple board. Disney…
Set to air tonight on PBS’s Charlie Rose, Facebook CEO discusses the influence of the…
Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google, said in statement to the Senate antitrust subcommittee that Apple’s…
As we reported previously, Apple’s Fifth Avenue Cube Redesign – Before and After: “At Apple’s…
In front of the El Capitan theater, Academy Award Winning Director John Lasseter received a…
From the Wall Street Journal, the new Apple CEO Tim Cook is starting to make…
Let’s just start by saying that Steve Jobs by Walter Issacson is, quite simply, a…
Novelist Mona Simpson, the sister of the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, shares her moving…
The biography of the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs hit bookstores Monday, painting a candid…
With “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson being published on Monday, we’re getting an inside look…