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Own a Small Island Off the Coast of Ireland for $2.2 Million

Own a Small Island Off the Coast of Ireland for $2.2 Million

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Usually when one thinks of owning a private island the images conjured are more tropical than rocky and windblown, but for those who appreciate a bit of raw wilderness with a lot of history, West Skeam Island is a steal.

The 33-acre island is located just off the Southwest coast of Ireland, in the appropriately wild-sounding Roaring Water Bay. West Skeam was owned by the Donnelly family for more than a decade, but has recently been brought back on the market. The Donnellys lovingly renovated the three main cottages on the island while maintaining their rustic aesthetic, and the place feels more like a home or artistic retreat than a recreational property. The landscape and stunning ocean views would make a great backdrop for aspiring poets attempting to harness their inner Yeats. That being said, the wind and waves do offer excellent fishing and sailing opportunities to anyone so inclined.


Perhaps the most charming part of West Skeam is its considerable history which is still apparent in the buildings and outbuildings on the island. The Donnellys have carefully restored a 4th century church which was founded by Gnostics trying to evade the rule of the then-Pope.

For outdoorsy types interested in Irish history and literature, West Skeam will be well worth the $2.2 million.