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Morephone: How Could The Future Mobile Phones Look Like

Morephone: How Could The Future Mobile Phones Look Like

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Imagine a phone that bends and twists when you receive a phone call. In case you think this is pure nonsense, well, we assure you that this is not a Sci-Fi story. We found out that the mobile phones might look like this in the future. The technology exists and it has been implemented into a prototype called MorePhone (a phone that morphs its shape). It’s not ready to hit the markets, but it’s highly probable that, in 5-10 years, we will hold in our hands a different type of smartphone, with flexible electrophoretic display.

Intriguing and appealing, the new prototype has a rather unusual way of letting you know about calls or texts. MorePhone doesn’t ring, it bends. The revolutionary technique was discovered and tested by Human Media Lab’s researchers, from Queen’s University. “Users are familiar with hearing their phone ring or feeling it vibrate in silent mode. One of the problems with current silent forms of notification is that users often miss notifications when not holding their phone. With MorePhone, they can leave their smartphone on the table and observe visual shape changes when someone is trying to contact them.”

The interesting thing is that the researchers even thought of adding the user’s personal contribution to MorePhone. Each user can personalise it, by setting the bending and twisting based on their own preferences.

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