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5 Questions with Restaurateur Jamie Mulholland

5 Questions with Restaurateur Jamie Mulholland

Meet Jamie Mulholland, the restaurateur behind New York’s hotspot Ketchy Shuby, recapturing the vibe of NYC nightlife. With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry (everything from opening Cain, Gold Bar and  The Surf Lodge in Montauk) Jamie Mulholland knows how to blend exceptional dining with a nightlife experience. We sat down with Jamie and chatted all things hospitality: 



Pursuitist: Tell us about yourself. How did you get started? What inspired you to be a restaurateur?

Jamie Mulholland: II always dreamt of creating experiences and as a little boy watching how Sol Kerzner brought these incredibly ambitious visions to life, cemented what my purpose was and what I really wanted to do.


What trends do you see in hospitality right now?

People are not spending as much as they used to and are being more selective on what they spend on. It is my opinion that people are seeking out real experiences.


What is your secret to success?

I really love what I do and try to put every ounce of myself into my concepts. I have a very loving and understanding family which makes all of this possible.

If you weren’t a restaurateur, what would you be doing?
Cannot imagine doing anything else.

What are the best restaurants- besides yours- in New York?
I really love Cody Pruitt’s Libertine and Dean Jankelowitz has done with Jack’s Wife Freda.