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iPad Fans Face New Dilemma With Tough-to-Tote Gadget

iPad Fans Face New Dilemma With Tough-to-Tote Gadget

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Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Chuck Pretto couldn’t figure out how to carry around his new iPad. So he decided to wear it. After ordering Apple Inc.’s new multimedia tablet last month, the 52-year-old property manager realized it might weigh down his briefcase. He didn’t have another bag or carrier to cradle the 9.7-inch, 1.5-pound device. For a time, Mr. Pretto considered getting a “man purse” for it. Then he learned about iPad-compatible vests on a blog and immediately bought one. “People can’t believe this darn thing will fit inside my pocket,” says Mr. Pretto, who now wears the $100 vest every day. The San Diego resident has since bought other iPad-friendly apparel, including a second vest and a windbreaker from travel-clothing maker Scottevest Inc. Mr. Pretto’s carrying conundrum isn’t unique. After Apple started selling its tablet in April, early adapters were stumped on how to easily hold and transport the glass-screen gadget. – From WSJ