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Highlight Pieces from the upcoming London Sotheby’s “Fine Jewels” Auction

Highlight Pieces from the upcoming London Sotheby’s “Fine Jewels” Auction

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Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog


Exhibition starts this weekend for the upcoming Sotheby’s “Fine Jewels” auction, currently set to begin at 10 AM on March 26th in London. It is the first of two shows for jewelry this spring; a second is scheduled for April 7 in Hong Kong.


Many of the highlights from the upcoming auction are from the 20s and 30s Art Deco period. One of our favorites is the vanity case, shown above, created in the 20s by designer Lacloche Frères, expected to sell for between $11,000 and $16,000.


Find a selection of a few more of our favorites, below:

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