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Don Draper is back! Mad Men Returns March 25th…

Don Draper is back! Mad Men Returns March 25th…

Christopher Parr | Pursuitist
Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

We can’t wait for the return of Don Draper… Mad Men returns with a 2 hour season premiere on Sunday, March 25 at 9PM/8C. The Mad Men Season 5 poster is revealed below:


What can fans of Mad Men expect from Season 5? According to Jon Hamm, “some significant surprises.” Series creator Matthew Weiner calls the new season an “incredible new chapter” of Mad Men. We can’t wait…

Clearly Hamm isn’t too concerned with upsetting powerful people, as evidenced by his latest appearance on “Late Show.” When asked by David Letterman to explain what he could about the lengthy break between the fourth and fifths seasons of “Mad Men,” Hamm said, “I’ve described it thusly, and I got in trouble, so I’ll do it again the same way.”

According to Hamm, “When billionaires fight it takes a lot longer to settle. So we had some very wealthy people determining how long we would be off the air.”

When Letterman asked if the scheduled premiere date for Season 5 was indicative of production being under way again with all problems solved, Hamm gave him one better. “We are back, finished with production,” he said. “Season 5 is in the books.”