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BearyBusy: Eight Year Old Launches Cutest YouTube Channel Ever

BearyBusy: Eight Year Old Launches Cutest YouTube Channel Ever

Christopher Parr | Pursuitist
Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

BearyBusy is trending on YouTube. This eight year old’s video of her stuffed bear is so adorable.

Check out the awesome adventures of BearyBusy, created by a young girl named Grace. The talented eight-year-old created her own YouTube channel, featuring her toy bear in numerous cute stop motion animation videos, including the above “A Day in the Life of Beary” with over 400K views.

Featured on Mashable, the BearyBusy channel and videos quickly began trending on YouTube.

YouTube users were indeed kind about the film. One commenter said: “It started off with a Wes Anderson vibe, got a little Woody Allen in the middle and was full on Kubrick by the end. A+ would watch again.”

The video is the second in a series of videos and the website of also features drawings of the bear by Grace.
