Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
Bookseller Barnes and Noble is rolling the dice in the eReader wars.
CNET is reported that the company’s Nook eReader will be updated as an Android-based device called the Nook Color. It will have a 7″ touchscreen and sell for $249. The new eReader could be out as early as October 26.
What other capabilities will the Nook Color have? We’ll have to see, but B&N has been looking to make a splash in the marketplace to help boost its eReader offerings. It’s unlikely the Nook Color will try and compete with the iPad, but some enhancements, such as quality web browsing and email tools would be welcome.
Both Amazon and Apple has been aggressive in placing the Kindle and iPad in major retailers, giving consumers a hands on experience that can only help with sales. The Kindle has been equally aggressive with price cuts, further raising sales for their eReader.
B&N’s updated product will be their gamble to raise the Nook’s profile, and spur sales for the holidays.

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.