Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé…
The Mayflower Inn is located less than two hours from New York City. Modeled after an English countryside hotel, it evokes elegance and serenity. Set amid 28 acres of rolling hills, streams and gardens, the facility is loaded with luxuries, both modern (big screen TVs) and traditional (four poster beds).
The Mayflower is strictly for adults – no children under 12 allowed. This, the stately grounds, the quiet (yet efficient) staff, and old world atmosphere allows for peacefulness you rarely find – whether on vacation or not. As one person said – be prepared to relax. Each of the 30 rooms is spacious and homey. You’ll also find the spa to be top notch. The food taps extensively into the local markets, such as Vermont cheeses and wonderful seafood selections.
With the wonderful countryside, the Mayflower offers excellent hiking opportunities as well fly fishing. Depending on the time of year, the local area offers skiing, golf, biking and other outdoor activities.
The Mayflower is for the person who truly wants to relax. To stay away from the cell phone (service is spotty at times). To slow down. To take the time to enjoy a meal, enjoy their surroundings.
Don’t miss the Mayflower Inn.

Alex has written for Vanity Fair, Barrons, Bloomberg and Condé Nast Traveler.