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The Overhead Compartment with Chris Golic

The Overhead Compartment with Chris Golic

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Shining a spotlight on celebrities and athletes who love to travel. Created and developed by Stacy Steponate Greenberg.

Would you let your child play football? For so many parents, that is a challenging question. For Chris Golic, whose husband Mike played in the NFL for nine years and two boys played at Notre Dame, the answer was an easy “yes.” As every football wife, or mother, knows, that means a lot bumps, bruises and ice packs. Not to mention, the hot topic swirling about the sport for several years: concussions. How does one handle these injuries? Especially when it comes to kids. Chris Golic can answer those questions about as well as any woman alive, which made her the perfect fit in her role with The USA Football Heads Up Advisory Committee, which is designed to promote player safety for children all over the country, making the game they love a safer one.

With the NFL draft just days away, the Overhead Compartment caught up with Chris Golic to learn what it was like being married to an NFL player, and about the work she does helping moms and their kids be as safe as possible.

The Overhead Compartment with Chris Golic starts now…..

OC: Working with the NFL Head’s Up Program you travel all the time. What is the key to passing time when you spend so many hours on a plane?

CG: Really my iPad is my best friend on flights. Most flights have Wifi so you are never really forced to be disconnected any more. Our family chats a lot in a group text and even at 30,000 feet I can stay in the loop. When I’m on flights without wifi I read magazines or a book.

OC: What does Mike do to pass time on long flights?

CG: Mike reads Clive Cussler books or watches movies. Mike, our son Mike and daughter Sydney are movie junkies. Jake and I not so much.

OC: My husband tells me that Mike Golic doesn’t eat nearly as much as people would think. What’s the truth here?

CG: It’s true his food intake is not what it once was, nor should it be at this point. Every once in a while though he can still do some damage.

OC: If I’m the mother of a young boy who wants to play football, I read and hear all the time about the perceived dangers. What should I know?

CG: What you and every mom should know is that the game is changing. Football’s forced self evaluation has brought significant changes to the game at every level. It was long over due and as a result the athletes experience is much different than it was even a decade ago. While the game is safer it is a contact sport so injuries do happen, but minimizing them is what we are working on.

OC: What is your go-to snack for a long travel day?

CG: My go to snacks are Kind bars or a snack from a company called the Nature Box. I’m usually never out with an ice tea as well.

OC: Did you get more nervous watching your husband play football or your sons?

CG: Oh definitely the boys. No matter how old they are those are your babies. You also know how hard they work and what it means to them, so you want to see them succeed. My maternal instinct is alive and well at all sporting events.

OC: Your daughter is a swimmer. Is it true she works harder than the football players do?

CG: Let me tell you, swimmers are some of the hardest working athletes. They put in endless hours to shave tenths off their races. I always tell parents that if they want to keep their kids out of trouble get them involved in swimming. They are just too damn tired to get into trouble!

OC: What is the favorite destination for a full Golic family vacation and why?

CG: Arizona hands down! We all absolutely love it there. So much to do there and very little rain. It’s also beautiful as well. Out west in my opinion is where it’s at.

OC: Like me, you’re from Chicago. What is the one thing everyone who is in town for the draft this week should see?

CG: My favorite places have always been the aquarium, planetarium and museums. I love that area of downtown. Probably because I have fond memories of going there as a child.

OC: What’s the first thing you do when arriving at a hotel in your room?

CG: Usually I just flip on the television. I’m not very quirky about my hotel rooms.

OC: Complete the following sentence: I never leave home without:

CG: I never leave home without my phone and ear buds. Whether I am traveling, walking our dogs or grocery shopping I like to listen to music or Mike and Mike.

OC: Travel secret/habit about you that no one knew until now:

CG: I usually sneak off to Phoenix every 5 or 6 weeks for a few days. Now that my kids are rarely home anymore I have the freedom to come and go a bit more. It’s a great place to hang out, especially when the East Coast is buried in snow.

Chris Golic, please use care upon departure as items may have shifted in The Overhead Compartment during our journey. Thanks for choosing us for your travel tips! Have a wonderful day!