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John Nollet’s Feathers Natural Hair Collection Launched At Colette

John Nollet’s Feathers Natural Hair Collection Launched At Colette

Pursuitist Luxury Best Luxury Blog

Celebrity French hairstylist John Nollet is celebrating the Haute Couture Week in Paris by unveiling his latest collection of Feathers Natural Hair accessories at Colette. Favored by stars like Vannessa Paradis, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, Marion Cotillard and Monica Bellucci, John’s unique creations add a touch of couture to many divas’ crown! 

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His creations have comprised of hand-crafted hair crowns, braided hair bands and other hair accessories crafted with natural hair. His newest collection is inspired by feathers which are art crafted by the embroiderers of his hairstyle Maison and Lemarié ateliers. Such unique feather accessories are expected to fly off the shelves to settle on many fashionistas’ hair do.

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The master of coiffure has also dressed up the window of Colette with jeweled crowns, feathered pins, and braided headbands. To mark the launch of this latest feather-theme collection, even a video by Blanca Li has been released that shows models dancing and tossing their hair in air which are eventually held in place with Nollet’s stylish creations.

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The most expensive of the John Nollet’s collection selling at Colette is the Paon head jewel for $15,375. Made from natural hair and pearls, it can be easily attached to a low pony or a bun with the hair combs at back.

John is available at Colette until 12th July, from 5pm to 6.30pm, to meet the clients who wish to get a personalized hair accessory designed by him.

