Carrie Coolidge is a Pursuitist contributor based in Manhattan. From…
Bowlus Road Chief, the first all-aluminum riveted travel trailer, is hitting the road again with a new and improved version that integrates advanced technology.
More than 80 years after the First Bowlus Road Chief was manufactured, John Long set out on his own quest to revitalize the Bowlus vision that had laid dormant for the better part of a century. Alongside his family, John Long and a carefully assembled team of artisans embarked on the second leg of the Bowlus journey by seamlessly integrating advanced technology and the best enhancements in the intervening years since the Bowlus Road Chief first inspired the world to embrace a better life.
The Bowlus Road Chief was the first all-aluminum riveted travel trailer designed and manufactured in 1934 by famed Spirit of St. Louis designer, William Hawley Bowlus. The trailer reflected the hopeful, futuristic style and use of “space age” technology that promoted a feeling of a boundless future. Hawley built over 80 trailers during these tough economic times and provided a much needed sense of hope and an endless feeling of exploration and adventure to Americans who were longing for some inspiration.
This spring, Long and his family will breathe new life into yet another 1930’s relic…the traveling salesman. The world’s first luxury travel trailer will hit the road next month with an itinerary that includes home visits for prospective buyers, because as Long’s wife Helena explains, “There’s no one on earth as passionate about the design, style, efficiency and advanced tech features of this trailer than we are. Meeting with our customer’s face to face gives us the unique opportunity to gain a full appreciation of their families, lifestyles and travel needs.”
“The Bowlus Road Chief was originally conceptualized during a simpler time where service and relationships were paramount so it just made sense for us to take an old-time, personal approach to the sales process,” adds Helena Long.
In 1934, the traveling salesman was still a common sight, even physician’s house calls made up about 40% of patient encounters in the United States so perhaps Long’s sales approach will be a much needed reprieve from the inconvenient, impersonal and high pressure environment of a typical dealership. In case you’re not on “the list” of lucky prospects, the Long family will be making their way to RV shows, automotive events and relevant functions throughout the spring and summer tour to sit for a spell and talk aerodynamics. The Bowlus specs can be seen here.
Images Courtesy of Bowlus Road Chief

Carrie Coolidge is a Pursuitist contributor based in Manhattan. From 2009 to 2011, Carrie served as Co-Editor of Luxist, the luxury lifestyle website at AOL where she ran the Luxist Awards, a program that honored the very best in fine living. From 1996 to 2009, Carrie was a Staff Writer at Forbes magazine, where she covered real estate, personal finance and the insurance industry, among other areas. Carrie is also the author of six books, including "The Business of America is Business". Follow her on Twitter: @carriecoolidge